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András Hajdú

ANDRÁS HAJDÚ (1989), political scientist, specialist in radical right and political leadership. He received his MA in Political Science in 2012 from Corvinus University, Budapest. At present, András Hajdú is a PhD candidate of the Institute for Political Science at Corvinus University, Budapest.

15 July 2019
"The 2019 EP elections resulted in a strengthening of the main governing parties in all the Visegrád countries except Slovakia. The parties of the Czech, Hungarian and Polish prime ministers all came first with a clear lead. In the Visegrád countries, a marked right-wing dominance is observable, with the majority of elected MEPs coming from right-wing parties, and with a few exceptions joining the EP’s right-wing parliamentary groups."

by BL Nonprofit Kft. It is an affiliate
of the bi-monthly journal Magyar Szemle,
published since 1991

Editor-in-Chief: Tamás Magyarics
Deputy Editor-in Chief: István Kiss
Associate Editors: Gyula Kodolányi, John O'Sullivan
Managing Editor: Ildikó Geiger

Editorial office: Budapest, 1067, Eötvös u. 24., HUNGARY
E-mail: hungarianreview@hungarianreview.com
Online edition: www.hungarianreview.com